XOXO, Fierce&Love Mi
Sprcial Surprise
DJ Stoner, the originator of WVAHK-BASS, he has devoted himself to advocate Hong Kong electronic music to all over the world. He has built the foundation of DnB and DuB, at the same time, he even start to get in to the Techno business, this one has combined with the keybord, A Cappeles and so on. From Hong Kong to Shen Zhen, and then Guang Zhou, Shanghai, Beijing, he has brought the international style performance to all of Great China.
DJ STONER,BASS厂牌WVAHK创始人,致力将香港电子音乐多元化世界级发展。走出香港今期开奖结果一开奖记录了香港今期开奖结果一开奖记录他在DnB与DuB的根基,开始进军Techno,用各种电子设备做试验,融合了keybord,A Cappelea等元素。从香港,一路向北在深圳,广州,上海,北京等地带来了极具风格的国际化表演。
Sprcial Surprise
Andreyun, a half-Norwegian and half-Chinese rapper, burst onto the Norwegian hip-hop scene after his song “You (feat. Lotus)” was featured on NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) P3 Untouched as their song of the week. Having lived his whole life in China, Andreyun found the Chinese music industry to be an interesting and upcoming player in the global hip-hop market, and chose to return to Beijing early 2015 after spending a year in Norway.
He released his debut mixtape “1.5 Weeks” and performed across China. Notable performances by Andreyun were the MIDI Festival in Suzhou, the Yin Yang Festival on the Great Wall, and various clubs in Beijing. During Jay Electronica's China stop, Andreyun was also brought on stage to freestyle with him (Video link below).
Returning to Oslo in the summer of 2016, Andreyun opened for Norwegian rapper Arif in his hometown of Sandvika, widely considered to be the high point of his “High End Asfalt Tour”. Through the rest of the year, he had several performances at renowned venues in Oslo, like Vulkan Arena. In early 2016, Andreyun released “7:45 PM”, a song that discussed his experiences growing up in China and self-reflection on his life going forward. “7:45 PM” quickly hit 30,000 plays on SoundCloud and over 12,000 views on YouTube.
Sprcial Party Expert
北京Dacha别墅俄式餐饮有限公司总经理 喜欢美食更喜欢美景 走南闯北的95后北京姑娘。
Josephine刘思李, 一只说粤语的喵,也是正能量宝宝,天生自带晴朗微笑,混迹创投圈、运动圈、娱乐圈,party queen一枚,平日爱好撸妆撸铁撸BP,媒体老司机、性感好项目、靠谱小合作,欢迎万圣节来撩!
About us
CBD Professional Group is determined to bring the superior event mode in our country. CPG is a high-end social platform which founded jointly with many financial companies. Including three areas which are financial industry, commerce and entreatment industry, we are creating a new way of social life for the young professionals in the nuclear area of CBD. We have been held the greatest social party all over the Beijing and including a mass of elites who comes from different industry like investment banks, funds, real estate, firms, consulting, audit, media, at the same time, we have the honor of having so many famous global financial institutions who have a great sponsorship with us.
CBD Professional Group立志将国外优质的活动模式引进到国内。由多家金融公司联合创立组建的的针对高端人群的社交平台。横跨金融、商业、娱乐三大领域,在CBD核心区域为young professionals创造新鲜的社交方式。成功举办多场京城最大的CBD精英社交酒会。活动汇集了投行、基金、地产、律所、咨询、审计、媒体类精英,得到多家全球知名金融机构和品牌的赞助支持。
INVITE is an app which is offering a new and easy social life for the elites in the city which is through the invitation of an activity. Let’s to know more friends right now !
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